Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Well, I must have missed September becuase I am sure that it cannot almost be the end of October!! Time has just flown. I have been insanely busy! I haven't really even stopped to breath. I leave for school by 6:00 most mornings and don't get home until after 7:00 most nights. I have absolutely no life (so all my plans of coming to the big city and actually finding someone to date have not worked out. Not that I expected them to...) I haven't done anything with anyone other than my family in over a month. Almost 2 months! That is all my own fault and I know it but when I don't get home until later, I have no energy or patience for doing anything or being around anyone.

I have to say that I love teaching a lot more than I expected to, but that I am still not sure if I am going to end up as a teacher. I have too many thoughts to put into words on the subject.

Just a small rant about the city... IT SMELLS!!!!! I hate all of the nasty, horrible, disgusting smells that you are all of the sudden accosted with while driving down the street. I have gagged several times! IT IS TOO LOUD!!!! Right at this moment I can hear sirens, I hate all the noise!! I need more quiet! LASTLY... My bedroom walls are not insulated enough. I love my roommates but I hate hearing every conversation they have at1:00 in the morning when I am trying to sleep. It is really starting to annoy.

Other than having a headache and feeling completely exhausted, I have nothing new to report.

P.S. Even though this post sounds just a bit annoyed and angry, I am doing quite well!!!