Sunday, November 28, 2010

What Next?

I have now moved back into my parents home which in a way makes me feel really lame because I have finished school and have no where else to go much less any money to go anywhere else.

Anyway reality hit yesterday at around this time when I went to check my bank accounts. I do not want to get into the whole story but I will say that there was crying on my part(not surprising) laughing on my fathers part (also not surprising) and some good old fashioned advice on my mothers part (definitely not surprising). I am now seeking immediate employment.

I wanted to have some time off but as we all know, well at least the two of you that actually read my blog know, God has different plans. Believe me we have had a little chat about this situation, and he has yet to answer me. I am trying to be positive about this but I am finding very little about the situation to be positive about. I would really like to crawl in a Hole and not come out for a year or two. Option two of course is my old stand by of finding a one foot in the grave outrageously rich man to marry but those prospects are looking even thinner than me finding a poor young man to marry. I promise both prospects are only in the .000000001 of happening.

Well I have poured my frustrations into this blog as usual and have found that I only feel bad for having actually written them out. Oh Well.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Why Not?

I am sitting here enjoying my relaxation time. It is not often that I get such time lately. My student teaching is winding down, and so is my energy. I have loved student teaching more than I thought I would, but it has been such a great deal of work that I did not anticipate. I am excited to move home and spend the Holidays with my family. My little sister is just thrilled to have me come home! She is looking up all sorts of projects for us to do. It will also be nice to have a break. I do not know what I will do when I get home, but I guess that will all come together later.