Sunday, November 7, 2010

Why Not?

I am sitting here enjoying my relaxation time. It is not often that I get such time lately. My student teaching is winding down, and so is my energy. I have loved student teaching more than I thought I would, but it has been such a great deal of work that I did not anticipate. I am excited to move home and spend the Holidays with my family. My little sister is just thrilled to have me come home! She is looking up all sorts of projects for us to do. It will also be nice to have a break. I do not know what I will do when I get home, but I guess that will all come together later.


  1. Jessica says: Let's all get drunk and celebrate! Micquellyn: I am SO proud of you! I can't wait to come home and visit with you :) I miss you SO SO SO much! Have a wonderful day my dear :)
