Sunday, June 19, 2011

My New Adventure!

I have been really bad about blogging! I know there are a so many of you out there that are really interested in the blog (ha ha ha). Anyway sarcasm aside, I am headed off for a new adventure this week. On Saturday the 25th of June I am headed to Alaska to live for the next couple of months. What am I doing there you may ask, well I am going to work in a fish cannery. Yes some of you who know me may think that I am joking, but I am not! I am actually going to do this and I am so very excited.

I have felt for months that I am not where I am supposed to be in my life. I feel like I am stagnant. I am ready for a change! This job opportunity just fell in my lap, and well as much as I thought there was no way I could move to Alaska, I know that it will be wonderful for me. I am going to try and keep my blog updated from up there and let you all know what I am doing!

So I hope that you are all ready for an adventure!

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