Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Feeling Better Than Ok In The AK...

So I cannot say how much I have loved Alaska because I just can't seem to find the perfect words to describe what I feel here. There is just a connection that I have felt here that I seem to have been lacking in my life previously.

Something that has changed for me on a personal level is my reliance on my Heavenly Father and my attitude and outlook on life. I love the person I have become here and I am going to do everything that I can to hold on to that when I go home.

So to update you on the goings on up here... On Sunday I went to Church which was great because I love going to Church up here. There is only a small branch and the members are wonderfully welcoming and loving. We were invited over to a members home in the evening to play games. It was great fun. Since coming up here Catherine and Brinlee have taught me the game of Scum. I am sad to say that I am not very good at this game but I do enjoy the social aspect of the game. Well Scum is what we played at the Howard's (the family who invited us over). I was scum or in the bottom three for the whole time we were there except for the very last game where I moved from scum to 3rd place on a table of 8 people it was great. I was so excited. Catherine seemed to be excited that Stephen who for our time there was always King got kicked down to the position of scum for the last game.

All in all I may not make a ton of money here this summer but I know that I will have done something even better. I have made great new friends, had totally new experiences, learned to rely on myself and the Lord more, and been able to move past my negative bitter attitude.

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