Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I Just Hope That It Doesn't Come In 3's

Well this week has already been a tough one. Around 11:00 pm Sunday night my brother Mike called to tell my parents that my brother Brian had been in an accident and had broken his jaw. He was pushed while at a pool and he hit the side of the pool and then fell into the water. So my Dad, sister in-law Kristy, and my brother Patrick went out to Salt Lake to take care of Brian.

Brian and Kristy's kids came to stay with us. I had Stephanie and Sara monday and tuesday and Wyatt tuesday. The girls have cheer camp this week and so I needed to take them to that, which I am totally fine with. But can I just say I was never a fan of cheer leaders. I am not a fan of sitting and watching them teach my nieces cheers that I think are really stupid either, but that is what I am doing.

I do loving having my nieces and nephew around but I don't think that I am ready to be a mom. At least not an instant one, becuase it is really hard to jump into the shoes of someone and try to take on their role when you have your own ideas and standards.

Brian is home now and he will be ok but they had to put 3 metal plates in his jaw and his jaw is wired shut for 6 weeks. A total liquid diet is required. I feel bad for him. When we took the kids home today he looked like he was in a lot of pain, I hope that he heals fast.

On top of all this my brother Mike seems to be having a crisis of Faith. He thinks that God is punishing him. I think that he doesn't understand God. I pray for him and I hope that he can pull it together for his children because he is a single parent, but I don't know that he really wants to pull it together. What can say my family is really just one crisis after another. I guess that is life.

The old saying that bad things happen in 3's I am just hoping that it isn't true.

1 comment:

  1. I see that there are many variables in this problem and I am not aware of it all.But "Patience is not just enduring; but enduring it well." Surviving without strife, mumblings,and counting all the small moments you are grateful for during trouble times. God doesn't punish us everytime sometimes we punish ourselves and cause our own problems. God doesn't want crying children over the world; just a family. :D
