Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Next Phase

Wow, I can't beleive that I graduated from college!!! Ok so I still have to do my student teaching, but all of my course work is done. I just can't believe it! When I first started college I don't think that I thought that I would actually graduate. Now I have and I don't really know what to do next. Life seems to be completely unplanned, I have so many options for after student teaching that it is overwhelming. I could: get a teaching job, get a different job, move home and get a job, find someone I might want to marry(this is a big if), go back to college.... The possibilities are endless, or so it seems. Life is going to be an adventure... well that is what I keeping telling myself.

Me with my parents after I graduated!!

My methods class, well most of us, and Sister Lammons. These are the girls that have taught me so much and who I know will continue to teach me. I am glad we are all in this together. It has been a great ride.


  1. You've had a blog all this time and didn't tell me about it!! I'm hurt! Love ya!

  2. No I just got the blog! I was going to tell you but I just haven't, Sorry. No Excuses. Love ya too!

  3. tiff this so not a flattering picture and you didn't even mention who I was. But I love ya anyways. Alyssa

  4. I meant the picture of me at your graduation. If you didn't get that. I still love ya. Alyssa:)
