Sunday, August 15, 2010

Ok Maybe I'm Not Ready For This

On Friday I moved to Taylorsville Utah. I thought that this was going to be really exciting and it was until I realized that at some point my mom and sister were going to leave and I was going to be on my own. Normally this wouldn't bother me but this time it was different. I didn't want to be left to do my own thing. I just wanted them to stay forever. It didn't help that my mother and brother took me to dinner and kept telling all the dangerous things to watch out for and all the things that I needed to be careful of. I was really scared the first night, and my mom was still here. I just wanted to go home. What was I really doing here anyway? The next day and night were better, but this morning when my mom and sister finally did leave ( I was able to convince them to stay an extra night) I cried and cried. I felt so alone even though I am rooming with 3 other girls, I just couldn't stand watching my mom leave. I went to church and it was great it really helped me feel better. I know that this is going to be a crazy few months I just hope I can get through it. Pray for me.

1 comment:

  1. As my grandpa would say, "Theres no crying in baseball" :) lol you will be ok :D
