Sunday, August 29, 2010

WOW! I love my school

I am student teaching at the most amazing school ever!!! It has such great CRT (certified reference test) scores and the faculty is amazing. I just love it there!!

I am feeling better about living in Taylorsville as well, I mean I don't want to live here forever but I like it. I just prefer somewhere with more space and less people. I think I am more of a country girl than I thought I was.

Not much else to report. I am working on getting lesson plans ready making sure that I am getting to know my students names. Also trying to sort out my financial aid that has been a mess but what is new when it comes to money.


  1. Yay! I told you that everything was going to be ok :) lol have fun!!!!

  2. Oh Tiffany, I am SO happy to hear that, goodness I love you dear :) Can't wait to hear more about your experiences with teaching :) Love you Mom!
